There are many changes that happen to your body throughout and after pregnancy, including to your hair. It might not be something that you think about as much as other changes you experience, but the reality of postpartum hair loss is something that many women face. While seeing your hair fall out may cause concern, it’s important to remember that it’s quite normal for women to find that they lose hair after giving birth! However, there are some things you can do to help deal with postpartum hair loss.
Why does it happen?
While you were pregnant, you might’ve found that your hair became extra thick, strong, and all together luscious. Due to certain hormonal shifts, a rise in hair growth is experienced by many women when they are carrying their child. After delivery, however, these hormones return to their normal levels. The hair loss that didn’t happen during pregnancy due to the shift in these hormones, may then happen all at once – making it seem like your hair is falling out! Think of it as a delay in your regular hair cycle that needs to catch up. This process is called telogen effluvium.
Generally, it is not serious enough to cause permanent hair loss or bald spots and you normally begin to notice it happening about 3-4 months after giving birth. At 6-12 months postpartum, hair loss will begin to return to normal as will your usual hair cycle.
So how do you deal with it?
Even though it is a natural occurrence due to the changing hormones, there are a few things you can do to help reduce hair loss following the birth of your baby. As a healthy body usually equates to healthy hair, maintaining an exercise routine and eating a nutritious diet in the weeks following delivery can help to keep your hair as healthy as possible. Eating a diet rich in essential vitamins, nutrients and minerals will also go a long way to helping your locks. We always recommend eating a diet high in omega 3 fatty acids to keep your hair in tip-top shape!
Taking steps to reduce your stress levels can also help with postpartum hair loss. Certain practices can help to regulate hormones – such as practising mindfulness, meditation, yoga, or gentle exercise.
Changing up your hairstyle is another great way to deal with the sudden hair loss (and what better excuse for a little makeover?). Many women opt for a shorter hair cut postpartum as it can help to reduce the appearance of hair loss. It’s also important to not stress the hair out. Any hairstyles that will cause tugging and pulling or will be too tight should be avoided. Tight ponytails or braids can be swapped for a do that’s less harsh on your locks.
Anything that may cause excessive damage to your hair, such as heat styling and blow-drying, should be limited as well. You don’t want to aggravate your already fragile locks further! Wet hair should also be treated with care as it’s much more vulnerable in this state.
Remember that this is just your hair cycle catching up on itself and this hair loss phase will pass!